You, the petitioner

Do not change the passing score for OPS at Hotelschool The Hague

The OPS team has set the passing score for the OPS exam this block at 60 or higher for all students. This marks a change from the previous block, where a score of 55 was sufficient. Some students are concerned about the fairness of this adjustment.



Students from Hotelschool The Hague


establish that:

A change in a minimum pass grade is unfair.


and request

The OPS team to change the passing grade back to 55.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Daantje Verhoef 

